Raise your hand if you’ve been on one too many video calls as of late (entire country thrusts their hands sky-high!) We jest, but it’s actually pretty amazing to be able to use technology like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc. to stay connected during this COVID-19-induced quarantine. We can’t even fathom what this whole debacle would have been like before modern-day conveniences like these.
And now, thanks to some wildly creative textile and wallcovering artisans, your Zoom meetings can be majorly elevated. Two of our lines, Seema Krish and Fromental, have created a series of free downloadable backgrounds to keep us all inspired and our surrounds looking super fine.
Allow us to tell you about them…
Here are just a handful of the images you’ll be able to snag. There are so many more are available on their websites for you to use (links below).

Download your Seema Krish Zoom backgrounds here and your Fromental Zoom backgrounds here, and be sure to use the hashtags #clothandkindshowroom + #zoomwithseemakrish or #zoomwithfromental when you share on social to let us all see which backgrounds are your favorites. Thanks, Seema and Fromental!
Be well, y’all.